Confused Expression

often a person faces a problem but it is difficult to obtain or seek a solution to solve the problem, which is why a person becomes confused. generally someone who is confused will express itself by doing something completely wrong, forget about something and someone will usually still pondering what to do da what he was looking for a solution.
confused does not necessarily mean do not have a mature mind. Confused also not always associated with when someone has a problem of course but there are other things that a person can be said to be confused when a thing comes together and of course there are factors of influence such as conditions and situations that make a person panic and confusion to deal with it, whereas they know what to do just that there are several options that make it difficult to choose.

expression that conveyed a person while in the confused situation is usually a person will sustain his chin, paused, holding his head and so forth.
so, think positive to get a good answer for you when faced with situations such as these confused feelings.
